

Meditation-Stand  by rcw

The global stage plays host to revolution on a massive scale, as people all over the world find reasons for taking to the streets.

Is this the beginning of a widening trend? Like the ripples on a pond after a stone’s been cast, the numbers of people taking a stand increases on a daily basis.

We hear about some of it on the regular news channels here in America; I wonder how much of the “censorship” is based on the fear that this nation’s citizenry might just rise up as well.

I grew up in the ’60s and, like many of us baby boomers, learned what it was like to be in a protest rally. We grew accustomed to attending gatherings where people shouted and carried signs, burned draft cards (or other items depending on the rally’s topic) and the like. 

I wonder if our government fears the same thing happening again.
Personally I hope we are able to come to terms with our internal affairs without bloodshed and battle; that we are a nation apart from others in that we are able to look at ourselves and figure out how to make positive change without destroying our foundations.

Taking a stand is a good thing…but one has to be careful, lest people with ulterior motives infiltrate and influence the pure, original purpose for doing so. That’s an important thing to keep in mind when considering whether or not to jump into the foray.

So we watch as signs are printed and torches lit…wondering what will happen next, praying that whatever comes is not brutality and tyranny but love, honor and respect for our true inalienable rights.

For today, Fifty Five Is the New Stand….praying that the outcome is good.

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