
>It’s very late/early, usual story for me.  Insomnia can be a good thing; an opportunity to use special pockets of time when no body else is awake.   Time to create, to envision, to make magic.

Us in the studio

That’s when I do most of my writing…when I can be totally naked on the page, not plagued by phone calls or chores.   Music is a little more difficult because it wakes people up.  I don’t sing soft.  I’d like to sound proof our studio so that time isn’t an issue anymore.  Perhaps some day we can.

It’s important to have the proper tools to use one’s talents efficiently and correctly.  We’ve come a long way from the little cassette tape recorder we used to use.  For that I am eternally grateful! Our current recording configuration is the best to date, easy to use, portable-including a battery option….just perfect.

Just got to use it more often.  Figuring out how to make things more sound proof will help for the late night usage.

Jack’s been sick lately so he’s not been interested in playing music.  Poor guy.  Says he’s frustrated, and I sure know how he feels.

Isn’t it funny how sometimes when we get what we desire, we’re not given the opportunity to do what we want with it?  Perhaps that’s how we’re kept humble?  I don’t know.

We’ll get back to it soon.  Besides, my problems are tiny considering what else is going on in the world.

With that in mind…..for now Fifty Five Is the New Patience….I’m trying hard to master it.

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